This wonderfully illustrated curriculum will open new worlds to students as they learn conflict resolution and mediation skills while improving their reading skills. Compelling stories and folk tales that promote cultural awareness and tolerance are used to teach invaluable lessons about bullying, values, character development, emotions, community building, cooperation, perception, problem-solving, prejudice and more. The Peace Scholar lessons will help your students discern peacemaking and violence prevention skills and apply them in their daily lives.
Table of contents
Sample pages

Recommended Product Companion
We recommend purchasing the following books as an companion to this product. You may purchase these titles separately through various online vendors, book stores, or request them at your school or local library.
- Annie and the Old One
- The Bobbin Girl
- The Bracelet
- The Day Martin Luther King Jr., Died
- Dragon Soup
- Double Trouble in Walla Walla
- The Frog Prince Continued
- Mufaro's Beautiful Daughters
- The Paper Bag Prince
- Piggie Pie
- Pink and Say
- Rikki-Tikki-Tavi
- She's Wearing a Dead Bird on Her Head
- Smokey Night
- The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig
- Trouble Dolls
- The True Story of the Little Pigs
- Red Grammer's Hello World Compact Disc.