Mediation for Kids, Grades 4-8




Mediation for Kids offers a step-by-step, practical guide to getting peer mediation up and running in grades four through middle school. This guide provides both a systematic process for training students and practical implementation tips. Complete with realistic mediation scenarios. (Some middle schools, at least for 8th grade, may prefer Mediation: Getting to WinWin! Compare sample pages from each curriculum, and call a trainer for details.) Also available in Spanish and French.
We offer on-site training on all our curricula—call (800) 749-8838 for details!

Get your school’s mediation program off the ground! Mediation for Kids contains everything from helpful implementation tips for teachers to realistic scenarios for students. It will help your students understand the role and purpose of mediation, recognize and respond to nonverbal communications and cultivate skills of questioning, paraphrasing, and the mediation process.

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